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Own Your Own Finance Company®

We will give you a comprehensive marketing plan that will drive traffic to your website and get your phones ringing quickly
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The Global Proven Approach to Marketing
Precisely 90% of businesses that go to the banks for commercial business loans are being turned down due to new federal guidelines. This leaves the field wide open to commercial loan brokers who are not restricted by bank regulations. In fact, in many cases bank officers can be your best customers, solving their client’s problems by referring customers to you!
Banks don’t take risks. They finance businesses that have “A” credit. That’s why “A” credit lenders face the most competition and earn lower commissions! “A” credit customers are businesses that really don’t need the money but 90% of customers that get turned down DO!
So there is NO shortage of potential clients. You just need to know how to let people know you have solutions and that’s where “the real key to the business” comes in.
It’s very simple. We study our lenders and what they want to approve. This is an ongoing process we do every day while conducting our daily loan brokering business. We then teach you how to target prospects that clearly match your lender’s criteria. It makes sense. Most brokers listen to a client’s story and tell them "let me see if I can find you a lender”. We put you in a position to do the opposite. You target based on what YOU KNOW THE LENDERS WANT TO APPROVE which will put you in a position to say “NO PROBLEM” to the majority of clients that respond to your targeting.
How do you target a client? We’ll teach you how to find clients using proven technology. This technology lets you “work smart, not hard”.
In under one week, your phone can be ringing with targeted clients looking for loans.
A Disciplined Approach to Marketing and Targeting Clients
New brokers typically feel the most difficult part of being in the business is getting clients. You will learn nothing is further from the truth. Once you understand your products and know what the lenders are looking for finding the clients is easy. Literally every part of our training covers some aspect of finding clients and bringing in business.
We realize the most critical time in the success of your business is in the first 45-60 days. We show you how to get the right kind of clients and make money quickly to get your business off to a successful start. We will show you how to get clients utilizing tried and proven methods that Global, as well as other leading financial institutions, have used over the years.
You will have the ability to put together a well-balanced marketing program and pinpoint the type of clients you want to reach. We will teach you how to develop your program properly so you will get clients quickly. You’ll learn how to balance your business so you have a good mix of new clients, on-going repeat clients, and potential mega loan clients. We’ll discuss specialization and niche marketing.
We realize that everyone is different and comfortable doing different things. We will pinpoint a plan that works best for each individual. Below is a list of some of the marketing strategies we discuss during your training.
Internet Marketing
You cannot be in business today if you do not understand and utilize the power of the internet. People bank, shop, and conduct all types of business on the web. We will show you how to use the web to find clients, target market, and get your phones ringing within days of coming back from the training.
You will be able to “level” the playing field and we have done the research for you by providing access and information related to the web’s best marketing tools: Email campaigns, Adword campaigns, viral social marketing techniques, search engine optimization (SEO) and specialized internet tools are covered in depth in the training.
Vendor Marketing
Any business person will tell you that the cost and effort of obtaining a new client far exceed the cost and effort involved if that client gives you repeat business.
Vendors are a virtual wealth of opportunity. Here's how it works. Let's use the example of a construction equipment dealership. This dealership sells perhaps a half dozen heavy machines a week. The majority of customers coming into the dealership probably do not qualify for traditional bank financing. The dealership has a problem. No credit… no sales. You are in a position to solve that dealer's problems and get dozens of “ready to sign” leads a month from vendors like these.
Over time, as in any business, you create a long term relationship that grows both in terms of ease of service and depth of opportunity. It's a natural “win-win” situation. Imagine how much business you could do if you put 20 % of your efforts into finding a new vendor each month! Once again…targeting these vendors are the key and we provide you the answers.
Indirect Marketing
We already demonstrated the relationship that you can have with bankers. Helping them help their clients by providing a means by which their business customers can get money when the bank cannot approve a loan.
The same holds true of other professionals like lawyers, accountants, and any consultant that advises businesses. These people WANT to help their clients find the money they need. But they can't through traditional banking channels.
Here again, you can create an ongoing stream of strongly recommended referrals. THAT'S REPEAT BUSINESS! We show you how to present to these people, how to turn their objections into positive selling points, how to help them help their clients.
Direct Marketing
The marketing terrain has changed dramatically over the last 5 years and we have changed with it. No longer must you pay “rate card” for magazine advertising. New publications, mailing programs, marketing capabilities exist. We show you how to use these “more traditional” marketing tools to target your clients. Remember. This IS NOT a selling game. YOU ONLY NEED TO LET PEOPLE KNOW YOU EXIST!
Industry Based Targeting
Once you understand what your lenders are most likely to approve immediately a few simple and proven techniques are employed to target specific industries that meet those needs. For example, an accounts receivable lender may suggest targeting apparel manufacturers. We then provide you with exact sources for those likely candidates.
Loan Size Targeting
Here again, targeting is key. Each lender has their own "sweet spot". a range of loans that they feel most comfortable with. We show you how to work backwards from these sweet spots to clearly identify businesses with needs that coincide with those loan ranges.
Testing and Measuring Results
It's the internet age and we show you how to measure your results in terms of traffic, hits, leads, and a wide variety of measurements that will keep you on track in a selling groove.
Free Marketing, Branding and Awareness Campaigns
Did you know that there are dozens of ways to get the word out that you exist... all free. Are you aware that you can get most of your brand awareness done through Google "paid for advertising" for FREE! Once again we have taken the sting out of learning these lessons the hard way. Build your Brand. We'll show you how.
Lead Generation
Before you leave the training we will supply you with 1,000 leads at no additional cost. We will also give you access to the country’s foremost lead generation companies. More important we will "teach you to fish" as the wise men say. We'll teach you how to generate your own leads inexpensively and effectively.
Customer profiling
The process of understanding your targets includes what is called profiling. This is the ability to spot a client who you know will have repeated needs year after year. Not because they are doing poorly. The opposite. Because their growth demands the solutions you have to offer. Profiling also allows you to size up your customer and their needs. It will help you determine if you have a solution quickly in attempts to save precious time. It also helps you realize how much time you should focus on their needs as well.
Article Marketing and Public Relations
Not so long ago it was difficult to get published. You had to hire an expensive PR firm or be pretty good at it yourself. These days many resources exist that allow you to make a name for yourself in the public eye. We teach you these skills and provide resources.
Email Marketing
As you build your own list, a joint venture with other companies, and their lists and buy lists we'll show you how to put an effective email campaign on "auto-pilot" so your message gets out there consistently and in a planned and organized fashion. We'll explain how to set up alerts from these campaigns so you know the moment a prospect replies with interest.
On-Going Coaching
Many people want assistance in the form of a coach or active mentor, someone who assists in planning a marketing effort and assists in being sure that the effort is followed and effective. As part of the Global Mentorship Program, you will have a mentor that will guide you in your efforts to make sure you are getting the job done, consistently, and effectively.
Customized Website
Today's business world demands that you have a strong internet presence. To accomplish this for you we design a customized website that covers every aspect of your business offerings. Your custom website will also include a unique logo, which will be used over and over again for all of your branding needs. We will teach you how to market your website so that you can generate leads, capture vital information from your clients and offer a first-class presence that will make you look like you've been in business for many years.
Social Media Set-up and posting
In the current society, we often turn to social media to find information on people, places, or things we are interested in. We will set up your Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages and post for you continuously to help drive up your SEO and bring brand awareness to your company.
A Game Plan
You will leave the training with your next sixty days fully mapped out. No questions as to what to do today. You'll know exactly the steps to take toward success. Just follow our instructions, create leads, and talk to people who need your help. It's that simple.
We provide you with many more strategies than the ones listed. Our training constantly evolves as internet tools and marketing disciplines evolve. It's a moving target that we keep up with every week. The result... we offer the latest and best assortment of marketing tools. We choose not to invest in a proprietary system that is outmoded the day it is delivered. Instead, our philosophy is to keep current with the times. Use the best solutions from the smartest minds in every area of marketing, sales, and business.
There is so much more we could explain but the words of Gregg T. from Des Moines Iowa says it all... "I was blown away with the marketing program... I can't wait to get back and get started".