Posted on September 8, 2016 by copen
One of the most frequently asked questions people have who are considering the Global Financial Training Program is “what kind of people succeed as commercial loan specialists?” Put differently and perhaps more importantly, is “what are the character traits needed to succeed and make a great living in the commercial finance industry?”
Phil Dushey Explains This Lucrative Profession
Phil Dushey has been in this industry for more than 40 years. His first venture was as a commercial loan broker in his own firm called Global Finance. This business still makes significant loans month after month. Then he established Global Church Finance and almost two decades ago he formed Global Financial Training Program, a program that teaches people from all walks of life how to “own their own finance company”.
Phil explains, “anyone can enter this field as long as they are ready to learn the ins and outs that we teach, are good listeners and are ready to treat this like a real business that must be worked at.